Sunday, March 29, 2009



From glass alabaster she poured out the depth of her soul
O foot of Christ would you wait if her harlotries known?
Falls a tear to darken the dirt
Of humblest offerings to forgive the hurt
She is strong enough to stand in your love
I can hear her say....
I'm weak
I'm poor
I'm broken, Lord
But I'm your's
Hold me now, hold me now
Let he without sin cast the first stone if you will
To say that my BRIDE isn't worth half the blood that I've spilled
Point your finger and laugh if you choose
To say my BELOVED is borrowed and used
She is strong enough to stand in My love
I can hear her say....
I'm weak
I'm poor
I'm broken, Lord
But I'm your's
Hold me now, hold me now


As I read the lyrics to this song, my heart is encouraged by just how much Jesus loves me...that I can stand in His love. He is crazy in love with me!!! He knows every detail of my past and He loves me still. In fact Psalms 45:11 says, "He is enthralled with my beauty." He longs for me to call Him Papa :)

In John 8, the teachers of the religious law and the Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery in front of a huge crowd to condemn her. Jesus starts to write in the sand and says, "Let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone." He continues to write in the sand. One by one the accusers leave the scene. He tells the woman that he doesn't condemn her and says, "Go and sin no more." At times it would be great to be able to flip a switch and always do exactly what God wants us to do. The reality of our human nature is that we will continually try to find ways to satisfy our own selfish desires. Because God loves us, He continues to convict our hearts and welcomes us back with open arms. The condemnation from the Pharisees in our lives can hold us back from the healing that God wants to do in our hearts. We serve a God who convicts not condemns.

No matter how far God feels from us at any given moment, we can seek His forgiveness and be restored to a right relationship with Him. No matter what sin we have committed, Jesus wants us to repent, turn from our sins, and be restored to His presence. Only in His presence will we find fullness of joy. He died for ALL sins...and thinks we are worth the price He paid...YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!

"My Father, something inward tells me I have been living scattered.. Sometimes anxious. Restless. Distracted. Wandering inside. I fix my eyes on the cross now- upon the post and crossbeam which becomes my one bridge back to your side. And I lift my eyes beyond the cross, to the one who sits beside you-to Jesus, the Risen One! My Lord, my brother, with arms outstretched in welcome: "Come home." I come Father to hide myself in you."

Amy Carmichael

Today is the day to run to the arms of Jesus!!! Oh how He LOVES us!!!!


  1. you have an incredible perspective on things. Jesus knows your heart, period. Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments...later He tells us that His commandment is to believe....i love's simple and beautiful and perfect. its love.
